IRRK: Meet the Ministers – Leileena Chan January 25th, 29489 – Charlie Wickolin IRRK welcomes our readers to a new series of articles in which reporter Charlie Wickolin presents the newly appointed Minsters in Newland City Council in brief interviews. Today, we
IRRK Freelance: Poole Springs disappearance leaves investigators puzzled
IRRK Freelance: Poole Springs disappearance leaves investigators puzzled January 9th, 29489 “We’re still looking, and I assure you that we’ll find him.. the springs aren’t bottomless.” Lead Investigator Mouse from Omni-Pol explained, when asked about the disappearance of one of
FJRK: Redeemed attacked by Cyborgs
FJRK: Redeemed attacked by Cyborgs January 3rd, 29489 In a callous and unprovoked attack this morning, sixty cyborgs tore a rift into the Garden of Aban using a corrupted version of a garden key. The cyborgs entered the garden, slaughtering
IRRK: New Ministers named for Newland City
IRRK: New Ministers named for Newland City December 19, 29488 Announcement from the office of Mayor Zephrem King, Newland City. As the holidays wind into full swing, the announcement has been made as to the names of those who have
IRRK: Neutral businessman extradited
IRRK: Neutral businessman extradited December 14, 29488 IRRK has learned that a somewhat unusual investigation had been conducted by the ICC representatives here on Rubi-Ka. Due to the questions it raised, a neutral businessman has found himself extradited off world
IRRK: Cyborg comm network falls silent after Avalon invasion
IRRK: Cyborg comm network falls silent after Avalon invasion December 14th, 29488 Friday 12th December 29488 saw several brave adventurers enter a cyborg base in Avalon in an attempt to rescue Sentinel Watchman Timothy Tombak. After an extensive scouting effort,
OTPC Freelance: Rejoicing as Omni-Tek reunites families
OTPC Freelance: Rejoicing as Omni-Tek reunites families November 26, 29488 Hundreds of families across the planet celebrate as Omni-Tek successfully returns their long lost family members safe and sound. When neutral terrorist Cora Jones created a group of extremists, she
FJRK Freelance: Minami Corporation experiencing technical difficulties?
FJRK Freelance: Minami Corporation experiencing technical difficulties? November 18, 29488 – Maya Saristivatra Last Sunday, a report was filed with the ICC concerning a security leak in the system by Minami Corporation. Two hackers, whose identities have not yet been confirmed
FJRK: Clan concerns over Omni-Tek announcement
FJRK: Clan concerns over Omni-Tek announcement November 18, 29488 In response to today’s earlier announcement from Omni-Tek CEO Eva Pourais, several lieutenants and ranking members of clans Terra Firma, The Sentinels and Unionists have expressed concern regarding the so-called Operation
OTPC: Trust in Omni-Tek. Two months on.
OTPC: Trust in Omni-Tek. Two months on. November 18th, 29488. Eva Pourais made a special announcement this evening on behalf of Omni-Reform and Omni-Med. “Ladies and Gentlemen of Omni-Tek. In light of September’s disgusting and de****able assault and subsequent capture